
First post: hello world.

   Dec 6, 2020     4 min read

This is the very first post of my homepage. In this post I want to make a brief intro to myself, and share some motivations of setting up this website. That’s why I name it “Post: Hello World”.

A brief self-intro

My name is Zhenyu Liu. You might simply call me Zhenyu, or whatever you like. I’m currently an undergraduate student in Yuanpei College, Peking University and will be studying for my PhD next year at BIOPIC, PKU. I major in biological sciences and more specificly, bioinformatics, genomics and cancer biology.

I was born in Shiyan, Hubei Province and was admitted to PKU through the College Entrance Examination in 2017. With a great passion to dissect the nature of complicated biosystem and find effective therapy to complex human diseases, I chose biology as my major. In the past 2 years I worked in Dr. Cheng-Ran Xu’s lab at PKU, with a focus on the epigenetic mechanisms behind cell fate determination and cell differentiation during pancreas and live development. Currently I’m working in Dr. Fuchou Tang’s Lab at BIOPIC, PKU. We utilize some cutting-edge technologies on single-cell genomics to investigate cancer biology and developmental biology, where I’m mainly responsible of bioinformatics analysis. Hopefully our findings might provide some insights on the treatment of human diseases and help people overcome cancer someday.

Motivations of this website

Actually it was totally on the spur of the moment that I decided to establish my own homepage, given my poor experience on Ruby coding and website maintance. However, I do have many reasons to do this if thinking carefully. For example:

  • to keep my blog.
  • to record important notes.
  • to share my experience.

I can list a lot more if I want to. I just hope that this site will stand longer before I lose interest or get too busy to keep it working.

That’s all I want to say for my first post. It might be quite interesting when I read this post several years later. There’s no doubt that this github page should still exit by then. But will I still be typing here? Guess we have to wait and see.


at Jiayuan Dining Hall
